Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time to talk about other topics

The ruling by federal judge Susan Bolton blocking parts of the new anti-immigrant law in AZ should quiet things, at least until the case is appealed to the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  But it won't.

People in AZ should now have the time to discuss Arizona's pathetic, among-the-nation's-worst K-12 education system, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should now have the time to discuss Arizona's unsafe school buildings, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should  now have the time to discuss Arizona's crumbling infrastructure and transportation system, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should have the time to discuss Arizona's gaping maw of a budget deficit, and the accounting tricks and wishful thinking used to "balance" this year's budget, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should have the time to discuss the state's structural deficit and Jan Brewer et. al's plan to make it better by making it worse, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should have the time to discuss the utter dysfunctionality of Arizona's government at all levels, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should have the time to discuss the fact that too many of our elected officials do nothing more than bring ridicule and scorn upon our state, but they won't do it.

People in AZ should have the time to discuss the collapse of the Ponzi-scheme like Arizona economy (people would buy or build houses and make a profit by selling them to the people who came after them, which worked fine until fewer people arrived in AZ than there were houses to sell to them), but they won't do it.

There are a lot of things that ail Arizona that the people here could finally focus on and work to address, but they won't do it.

It's easier to be distracted by the "it's all the fault of the Brown people!" crowd than to actually participate in and discuss civic affairs.

Unless the people in this state who actually care about it and its future refuse to allow themselves to be distracted by the histrionics and insist that the public discussion cover all relevent topics, not just the ones that Brewer, Pearce, and the rest want to use to scare the public.

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