Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Russell Pearce, a modern-day Nero

...Bent on playing his nativist fiddle while Arizona's treasury burns...

From the East Valley Tribune -
State Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, said Tuesday that he will urge Gov. Jan Brewer to call a special session of the Arizona Legislature to deal with illegal immigration issues in the state.

Pearce, in a statement released Tuesday afternoon, said he will hold a press conference Wednesday seeking the session so that lawmakers can respond to "recent attempts by the federal government to erode Arizona's progress in combating this problem," according to the press release.

State agencies are preparing for devastating cuts, including the possible end of funding for domestic violence shelters and the mass release of thousands of prisoners (interesting one-two combo, that), yet the best that Pearce, the chair of Senate Appropriations, can come up with is some nativist posturing and a photo op. (Possible DES cuts here; the AG's office response here; full list of possible cuts from agencies here)

Of course, the Republican caucus in the lege has made it clear that they do not take the state's fiscal crisis seriously - they've repeatedly declined to join state agencies in making budget cuts to help close the deficit.

Joe Arpaio is scheduled to be one of Pearce's cohorts/guests at the presser. Wonder if he is going to try to bar federal agents from that one like he did at one of his own?


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