Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Arizona Democratic Party Chair Don Bivens Releases Statement Celebrating Earth Day

While I was in the midst of intense preparations for tonight's budget forum in Scottsdale (OK, I'm doing laundry and watching Hardball on MSNBC :) ), the following came across my email -
Nearly four decades ago, the first Earth Day marked the birth of a new national environmental consciousness paving the way for landmark policies that protect public health and preserve our environment for future generations.

We have made important gains. But for too long Washington has been held captive by the special interests and has turned a blind eye to the energy crises and the gathering threat of climate change that is affecting folks here in Arizona.

President Obama has given us a new reason to celebrate this Earth Day: his Administration has committed to a comprehensive energy plan that will generate millions of new clean energy jobs, break our dependence on foreign oil, reduce deadly pollution and finally tackle global warming and its potentially catastrophic effects. These jobs will stay here in Arizona and can't be shipped overseas.

Democrats have been leaders on these issues, and they continue to push for change in Washington and in Arizona.

April 22nd will always be a day to recommit ourselves to a healthier, cleaner planet; but this year, in the throes of some very difficult economic times, Earth Day has a renewed sense of purpose. President Obama and his team have made plain the direct connection between repairing our economy and making the bold investments in renewable energy sources that are healthier for our planet. Today is a reminder of the opportunity we have to reinvest in the American worker, make the United States a leader in the global energy industry, and increase our energy independence.


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