Monday, February 05, 2007

LD17 Legislators in the news...

Pretty quiet week in terms of MSM coverage of the LD17 legislators, with Sen. Meg Burton-Cahill and Rep. Ed Ableser not getting any love from the AZ Rep, EV Trib, et. al.

Rep. David Schapira did get a couple of mentions, though:

...The Tucson Citizen and ASU State Press/Web Devil carried the same article on the passage of his HB2206, the Teacher Shortage Student Loan Program bill.

From the article -
"I was a high school teacher, and to look at the classroom next to me that was empty and had a sub every day ... is to know that there's definitely a shortage in Arizona," Schapira said. "To me (introducing the bill) seemed like sort of a common-sense thing to do."

The article was written by Brian Indrellunas for the Cronkite News Service.

...Schapira was mentioned in an East Valley Tribune article highlighting the discussion at the lege about increasing the use of private prisons.

From the article -
To deal with the crowded conditions, Arizona has been sending prisoners to other states at a premium, which Rep. David Schapira, D-Tempe, said hurts taxpayers. The cost per day to house an inmate jumps from $53 to as much as $70 if the inmate is sent to another state.

...If you see Sen. Burton-Cahill, wish her a speedy recovery from the recent work on her ankle.

It's hard to kick tail at the Capitol on a bum foot. :)

...Reminder: Progressive Lobby Day at the Legislature is tomorrow, Tuesday February 6th.


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