Thursday, January 25, 2007


While I didn't actually get to watch the State of the Union speech closely because I was in a meeting in Tempe at the time, I did look up to see this shot.

Everybody else in the room saw it too, and were all overjoyed.

Our guess was that our good Senator just dozed his way out of the Republican nomination for President next year.
By the way, in case you hadn't guessed - everybody at the meeting was a Democrat.
The above pic was gleefully borrowed from Espresso Pundit, and I should note here and now that the Repub blogosphere is totally all over this.
As a Democrat (general variety), this is a little disappointing, because I think that McCain is very beatable in a national election; as a Democrat of the Arizona variety, having him out of the ballot picture in November 2008 would be great - his presence at the top of the ballot would pull the AZGOP candidates up, much like Harry Mitchell's presence on the ballot helped lift the Dem candidates in D17 this year.
Good night!

1 comment:

Desert Beacon said...

Could we caption it: "You snooze, you lose?"