Monday, January 22, 2007

LD17 Legislators in the news, week ending January 21

Rep. Ed Ableser:

...He was mentioned in an AZ Rep article about some of the less-mundane bills introduced by various legislators. His HB2536 would require that egg-laying hens not be confined in a cage/hold that "does not allow the egg‑laying hen sufficient space to fully extend its limbs without touching the sides of the living space."

Quote from the article -

"For a chicken to not even be able to extend its wings, that seems counterintuitive to what a chicken is made to do," Ableser explained.

...Last Monday, Dick Foreman, one of's "Plugged In - Southeast Valley" bloggers, wrote a piece complimenting Rep. Ableser for his support of a move by local community centers that work with the disabled to deal with the impact of the new minimum wage.

Rep. David Schapira:

...On Tuesday, The Verde Independent carried Howard Fischer's article about David's HB2206, the bill that would create the Teacher Shortage Student Loan Program. (This topic was mentioned in last week's LD17 Legislators post.)

Sen. Meg Burton-Cahill:

...On Thursday, The Verde Independent carried another Fischer article about her support of Sen. Carolyn Allen's SB1032, a bill that would add some protection from lawsuits to emergency rooms and ER workers. (This topic was mentioned in last week's LD17 Legislators post.)


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