Thursday, January 18, 2007

Russell Pearce (R-LD18) getting noticed nationally

Of course, it's not positive notice, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't care anyway...

From the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report:
It was the second time in two weeks the hard-line former sheriff from North Mesa found himself confronted with charges of racism and extremist views on immigration. Earlier that month, Pearce drew fire for endorsing a reprise of "Operation Wetback," a 1950s program of forced deportation.

"We know what we need to do," Pearce said on a Phoenix radio show. "In 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower put together a task force named 'Operation Wetback.' He removed, in less than a year, 1.3 million illegal aliens. They must be deported."

When critics jumped on the use of the derogatory word "wetback," Pearce defended himself with gusto, describing his critics, including fellow Republicans, as "sissies." "In the '50s, [the term] was common. In the '60s, it was common," Pearce said. "You don't use it today because people have tried to make it offensive. Things change, and you know what? Who cares?"

The article went on to talk about the endorsements that he lost as a result of his open bigotry, quoting State Senator Carolyn Allen (R-LD8):
{He's} "lost his moorings. He's driving himself mad about this [immigration debate]."

...In other Pearce news, he proposed a bill in the lege that would bring a constitutional amendment before the voters to declare that marriage is a "Only a union of one man and one woman."

The he decided not to go forward with it. Saying he filed it he accidently, he's asked Speaker Jim Weiers not to let it move forward.

In a shocking development (really!!) the Speaker is accomodating his Appropriations Committee Chair.

More on the loon outlook for the new session of the lege later on today (expect lots of mentions of Pearce and Sen. Jack Harper (R-LD4)...


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