Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sen. Kyl invited to series of hearings regarding Iraq

Senate Democrats said Wednesday they plan to hold hearings around the country on Iraq before and after the November elections.


...they have extended invitations to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., and Republican Policy Committee Chairman Jon Kyl of Arizona as well as other GOP senators.

Count me as a voice calling for one of the hearings to be held in Arizona.

Maybe the Democrats have learned something from the arrogance and contempt toward the citizenry that the Republicans displayed during the Summer Roadshow of faux immigration hearings held in July and August.

Maybe the hearings will be structured to allow us to do something Jon Kyl has never done -

Ask hard but necessary questions of the Bush administration's plans for getting out of Iraq. And ask why Congress hasn't been asking these questions already.

From their websites:

Jon Kyl rationalizes silence -
"I believe it is a strategic miscalculation to telegraph to America’s enemies any limitation on how long we’re willing to stay in Iraq."

Jim Pederson pledges questions -
"I would push the administration for a plan that establishes measurable goals for stabilizing the country and concrete conditions to bring our troops home."

If one of the hearings is held in Arizona, maybe Jim Pederson could take Kyl's place.

Jon wouldn't be doing anything more than keeping a chair polished anyway.

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