Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hayworth (R-Blowhard) and Renzi (R-Mantech) receive national recognition

In a press release today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) issued its 2nd annual list of the most corrupt members of Congress. It named the 20 most corrupt, and 5 Dishonorable Mentions.

Rah-Rah Rick (you should have seen his comments on the House floor today about a flag football game between members of Congress and the Capitol Police) made the top 20.

Renzi's foibles? Things like paying staffer Patty Roe $90,000+ to run his office, while she is also paid as a fund raiser for the Congressman's campaign, as well as for other members of Congress. Also, and this one is even bigger, he has sponsored legislation that directly benefitted a company that is a large campaign contributor, the company his father is executive VP of, Mantech International.

CD5's own JD makes the "Dishonorable Mention" list for the many contributions he has received from Jack Abramoff and others related to him, and for the fact that his wife is listed as the sole paid employee of JD's own PAC, T.E.A.M. PAC.

I think it's great for the members of AZ's Congressional delegation to receive the recognition they so richly deserve. Don't you?

Let's recognize them again on November 7.

Vote for Harry Mitchell and Ellen Simon.

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