Tuesday, September 12, 2006

LD17 Early results

and still very unofficial..

Edited at 10:05 p.m. to update numbers...

On the Rep side:

DEROSE - 2,072
DESPAIN - 2,908
KNAPEREK - 4,520

On the Dem side:

ABLESER - 3,831
CROUSE - 2,563
SCHAPIRA - 3,137
WILSON - 1,793

Unless there are some major changes due to mail-in or provisional ballots, with 100% (72 of 72 precincts in) of the precincts reporting, it looks like the November race will come down to Dale Despain and Laura Knaperek on the Republican side and Ed Ableser and David Schapira on the Democratic side.

Congratulations to all four Democratic candidates on well-run campaigns.

Unofficial Scottsdale results on Prop 401, 79 of 87 precincts reporting and early ballots included:

Yes - 11,345
No - 12,546

At this point I'd say something about hoping the City Council learns something from this electoral repudiation of their heavy-handed attempt to impose a hard-right wing moral view on the business community, but I know, and knew before the voting started, that no matter where the final tally ends up, this is going to end up in court.


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