Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) needs to hire better writers

Sen. Grassley, writing in The Hill's CongressBlog -
Medicare’s Mistaken Refunds
August 24th, 2006

For the vast majority of beneficiaries, the program has been working as intended. If this problem is the result of a system flaw, we need to fix that flaw so that we don’t see more errors down the road...

The link in the passage above takes the reader to a Grassley press release about Medicare Part D premiums that were mistakenly refunded to some 230,000 beneficiaries.

However, ignoring the link, the text of his post reads as if he thinks that the fact that Medicare has been working as intended is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Now, the cynic in me can believe that a Republican *would* think that any government program working as intended is a problem, but I don't think that any of them would put it in writing.

At least not during an election year. :)

...Yeah, it's not an Arizona post, but the AZ delegation has been boring so far today. I'm sure that will change though - JD is speaking at the meeting of the LD18 Republicans this evening. I'd go, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't blend in, with my 5 year-old pickup truck, Mitchell for Congress pins, and clipboard covered in the bumperstickers from various Democratic candidates. :))

Plus, I already have plans to be at the LD18 State Rep candidate forum.

Later everyone!

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