Thursday, August 24, 2006

Road Closures in Scottsdale

Non-political post ahead...

I don't normally post anything this mundane, but because of the chaos that is Scottsdale traffic right now, I'm making an exception...

Just received an email alert from the City of Scottsdale, quoted in its entirety -


Many of the bridged and unbridged roadways across Scottsdale's Indian Bend Wash are closed at this time due to flooding.

Recommended east and west routes are Thomas Road and McDowell Road. Bridges north of Thomas may not be open across the wash because of high water.

North- and southbound traffic should use Scottsdale Road to the Loop 202 to avoid heavy congestion in the downtown Scottsdale area.

Closures could continue through tonight's rush hour. Motorists are advised to obey all traffic signs and avoid crossing any streets with flowing water.

While this morning's storm system has cleared out, the current radar picture shows more storms developing near Tucson. Not sure if they'll make it far enough north to affect the Phoenix area, but keep your eyes open and your windows closed tonight.

Oh, and to reiterate and clarify a point from the email - DO NOT try to drive across flooded washes and streets. You'll be featured on the evening news, either in the "Breaking Tragedy" section, or the "Arizona's Stupidest Drivers" section.

1 comment:

TimWilsonAZ said...

You'll be featured on the evening news, either in the "Breaking Tragedy" section, or the "Arizona's Stupidest Drivers" section.

I'm glad they make the drivers cover rescue expenses.

I go across washes, but I drive a Jeep and have a lot of off-road experience