Monday, August 28, 2006

Pederson Closing Gap With Kyl

...The latest Zogby/WSJ Online has Republican incumbent Jon Kyl's lead over Democratic challenger Jim Pederson down to 4%. The support numbers were 48.3% for Kyl, 44.2% for Pederson. (courtesy Taegan Goddard's PoliticalWire)

Whoooo hooooo!

In other AZ numbers from the Zogby/WSJO poll, Governor Napolitano's lead over the #1 Republican challenger, Don Goldwater, has increased to nearly 12%.

Governor Napolitano - 50.5%
Don Goldwater - 38.6%

Whoooo hooooo2!!

...More Pederson/Kyl news: the big names of the Republican Old Guard continue to come out in support of Jon Kyl.

From the AZ Republic -

Former Secretary of State and national security adviser Henry Kissinger is scheduled to host a fund-raising event for Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., at a private Paradise Valley residence Wednesday evening.

The dinner costs $500/plate.

For that much money, I'd rather attend an event with former President Bill Clinton.

...For less money (presumably), the AZ Daily Star reports that you can attend an ice cream social with the Senator at the Republican Headquarter in Tucson.

It starts at 2 this afternoon...

...From the National Ledger - Sen. Kyl touts NCLB in his weekly column.

In Mitchell/Hayworth news: his blog, EJ Montini reports "The people from the Harry Mitchell campaign are planning a public demonstration this week against his opponent Rep. J.D. Hayworth for having supported the war in Iraq" before going on to criticize the entire delegation for the same thing.

I spoke to Seth Scott, the Mitchell campaign's spokesperson, about this.

While the war in Iraq, and JD Hayworth's enthusiastic support of it, is an "important issue", he assured me that the Mitchell campaign is not planning a demonstration. There may be some kind of demonstration this week, but the Mitchell campaign is not involved.

On edit: Mr. Montini has corrected his blog post. He now states that "some political activists from are planning a public demonstration this week against Rep. J.D. Hayworth..."

That makes sense because that type of event is more in line with's methods than the Mitchell campaign's.

End edit.

Personal note: I can sort of confirm that personally. I've overheard something about a demonstration, but didn't pay much attention at the time. Also, what I heard had nothing to do with the Mitchell campaign.

While ending W's war in Iraq is important, I think that the only way that is going to happen at this point is to elect a Congress that won't blindly pay for it. Therefore, that's where I've focused my energy and attention.

If anybody does have info about a planned anti-war demonstration, let me know. I'll be happy to publicize it.

Time to go to class! Later!


Ted McLaughlin said...

Wow! Those are good numbers for Pederson. Can he beat Kyl? I'm starting to become a believer.

Craig said...

I think he has a chance, a good chance in fact, but he still will have to overcome the fact that Kyl's image isn't as overtly polarizing as say, JD Hayworth's.

Independents and moderate Republicans don't cringe at the thought of Kyl the same way they do with Hayworth (or other openly extreme and/or corrupt Reps). The Pederson campaign needs to put more effort into showing Kyl's close ties to Bush and to Big Business Donors in order to take the seat from Kyl.

TimWilsonAZ said...

It's good to see Napolitano 12 points up in her race, but not very good to see her at 50% support. That's actually frightening...