Monday, August 28, 2006

Hayworth Defends His Record on Drugs/Medicare

and attacks the Mitchell campaign for "lies and distortions" about that record.

Hayworth spokesman Brian Hummell is quoted in the release as saying (about Harry Mitchell) "...he attacks a worthy program that has already saved seniors billions of dollars on their prescription drug costs..."

Just a couple of problems with that.

The Mitchell press release in question is here.

It is a recap of an AP article carried in the AZ Republic that brings some harsh light to the fact that "the pharmaceutical industry quietly footed the bill for at least part of a recent multimillion-dollar ad campaign praising lawmakers who support the new Medicare prescription drug benefit...", including ads for JD.

The Mitchell press release does highlight Hayworth's financial ties to Big Pharma.

The Mitchell press release does NOT have an attack on any part of Medicare, including Medicare Part D.

Oh, and in the interests of accuracy, Mr. Hummell should change his statement from "saved seniors billions of dollars" to "gave trillions of dollars in additional profits to Big Pharma."

The Hayworth campaign has become quite handy with the convenient lies and facile distortions.

Years ago (1990s), regarding Newt Gingrich, Molly Ivins [God, I love Molly!] wrote that "Gingrich constantly accuses others of that which he himself is guilty." "Projection is simply part of his political life," going back to his first Congressional campaign. [Source: Who Let The Dogs In?, page 89, trade paper edition]

She could have written that about our JD. Today.

It seems as if anything he accuses Harry Mitchell of is something he himself has done (taken questionable campaign contributions) or is doing (lying and distorting the truth).

Now for the geek part of our program :) -

I checked out the two House bills that JD cited as proof he supports "bipartisan plans for re-importation of drugs."

H.R. 5441, Homeland Security Appropriations for FY2007 -

Yes, he voted for it. [Note: Nearly everyone else did too - it passed 389 - 9. Jeff Flake was the only member of the AZ delegation to vote against it.]

Yes, it passed the House.

Yes, it was sent to the Senate and passed there.

Now it is awaiting a conference committee to iron out the differences in the amended bills.

And yes, one of those amendments would prevent US Customs and Border Protection from interfering with individuals (not businesses) who import FDA-approved prescription drugs.

The fun part, for me anyway?

It's a Senate amendment, proposed and approved weeks after the House's (meaning JD's) vote on the overall bill.

Copy and pasted from the official record:

S.AMDT.4548 Amends: H.R.5441
Sen Vitter, David [LA] (submitted 7/10/2006) (proposed 7/11/2006)

AMENDMENT PURPOSE:To prohibit the United States Customs and Border Protection from preventing an individual not in the business of importing a prescription drug from importing an FDA-approved prescription drug.


Amendment SA 4548 proposed by Senator Vitter. (consideration: CR
S7295-7305; text: CR S7295)

Amendment SA 4548 as modified agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 68 - 32.
Record Vote Number: 191. (text as modified: CR S7301)

[Note: Big Pharma's buddy Jon Kyl was one of the 32 voting against; John McCain supported the amendment.']

Essentially, JD is claiming credit for supporting something that he never proposed, spoke favorably of, or voted on.

Would you like some milk, sugar, or distortions to go with those lies? :))

As for H.R. 2427, the Pharmaceutical Market Access Act?

The bill in question is from 2003.

Yes, he supported passage of it in debate.

Yes, he voted for it.

Yes, it passed.

So why has no one ever heard of this wonderful bill to help poor, working and retired Americans get needed medications at a reduced price?

It passed the House on July 25, 2003.

It was buried in committee in the Senate. On July 25, 2003.

It seems that JD has developed a pattern of behavior.

He'll vote for bills that actually help real people, not just large corporate campaign contributors.

When he knows that the bill in question isn't EVER going to become law.

Like H.R. 2427 in 2003.

Like when he supported the minimum wage increase in July.

Enough already. Time for a new direction.

'Bye JD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moveon's Red Handed Team is hounding Hayworth with the facts. Saturday Aug 26th several members protested Hayworth at Childress Buick, gaing the attention of Channel's 5 and 15. Channel 15 had excellent coverage and Lisa McDonald was able to change the frame from immigration to veterans benefits. You can see a few pictures of the event at my blog.