Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Need a laugh?

A quick, non-political post.

As you can see from my updated profile, I am reading the book "Nothing's Sacred" by Lewis Black. I bought and started reading it last night.

I am approximately halfway through already. It was obvious (to me, anyway) that this was going to be a good book when, reading "An Introduction to the Introduction" (bonus material for the trade paper edition) I came across this passage:
They should have a store next to the bookstore called the shit store where you can get shit books to read while on the shitter. No one reads great literature on the shitter.

Guess where I was when I read that passage.

My ribs still ache from laughing so hard.

Anyway, his writing is as observant and sharp as his comedy, but nowhere near as angry. I heartily recommend this book.


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