Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bush vetos Stem Cell Research Enhancement bill

Not an Arizona post, unless one of the AZ delegation joins in the override debate. In that event, I'll update.

I could comment on many different aspects of his speech as he issued the veto or the letter accompanying the bill when it was returned to the House. The interesting but inconsistent application of theocratic principles is high on the list (i.e. - I'd really like to know how an embryo has more right to life than a prisoner, illegal immigrant, POW, or American serviceman) but I'll leave that to more eloquent writers, both MSM and blogosphere.

Instead, I have a number.


17, as in the number of times the words "ethics" or "moral" or variations thereof were used in the speech and the letter to Congress.

Whatthehell! does this President or any in his administration know about ethics or morals, other than that those are concepts for others, not themselves?

OK, I'm going to write about one specific part of his speech. He stated "My administration has made available more than $90 million for research..."

Interesting, and laudable, until you consider the cost of the war in Iraq. In just over 3 years (March 2003), the war has cost approximately $300,000,000,000; that $90,000,000 over 5 years for stem cell research is 3/100ths of 1% of that total.

And that's not even getting into the billions of dollars in targeted tax breaks for Big Business and the wealthiest Americans.

Note: the House debate on overriding the veto is on CSPAN right now....

On edit: The House upheld the President's veto. A majority voted to override, but not the 2/3 majority needed. The final vote is 235 in favor, 193 against, 5 not voting.

Jim Kolbe, R-AZ8 was the only AZ Congressman who spoke during the override debate, expressing support for overriding the President's veto.

One rather hypocritical quote from the debate:

"...taxpayers should not be forced to fund what is morally wrong..." - Robert Aderholt, R-Alabama.

ROTFLMFAO!!! It happens all of the time!! Exhibit #1 - The War to Take Iraq's Oil.

End edit.

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