Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Irony: (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play -- called also dramatic irony, tragic irony

Picture courtesy of azcentral.com.

The AZ Republic has run a series of articles about Don Bolles, his work, his assassination, and the aftermath to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the murder.

Yet, in the same paper runs
a piece about how legislators, specifically Rick Renzi (R-AZ1), along with the USAG Alberto Gonzales, want to prosecute journalists who publish classified information. Even if that information concerns fraud or criminal activity on the part of government officials.

Further, the
Supreme Court ruled today that supervisors can retaliate against government employees who raise concerns about their agencies and their activities. They may have phrased it a little differently ( "employees cannot sue over retaliation",) but the decision gives carte blanche to government agency managers to harass, discriminate against, and/or professionally destroy whistleblowers.

And not a word of outrage from the AZ Republic. Maybe they're too busy patting themselves on the back for someone else's sacrifice to notice that his death may ultimately have been in vain.

If Don Bolles was born 30 years later, his work wouldn't have resulted in his murder, just his imprisonment. That's if he could even find the leads any good investigative reporter needs.

I'll have a shorter, snarkier post concerning the state of investigative reporting in metro Phoenix later tonight or tomorrow.

Friday, May 26, 2006

A quick post on Pat Robertson's leg press

Pat Robertson claims to have leg pressed 2000 pounds. Three years ago. At age 73.

I'm considerably younger, and 'thicker' (lol) and I top out at 650 lbs. And nobody at the gym (SCC's fitness center) other than the football players regularly does more.

And2, even they don't top more than 1000 pounds or so - the sled just won't hold more plates. Even at 1000 pounds, that's 21 45-pound plates (plus the weight of the sled to = 1000).

For 2000 pounds, that's >44 45-pound plates.

Not going to happen. Not for a 20-year old football player; not for a 70+ year-old TV preacher.

You know, it would be easy to use this to expound on the right-wing's utter disdain for the truth, but Pat Robertson is a loon even by their standards.

2000 pounds??? I would laugh, except that I get hernias just thinking about trying it.

Now it's good night.

Time for a not-too-subtle plug...

Stopped by the Mitchell for Congress office today to donate some office supplies for the cause. It was a little quiet (not surprising on the Friday before a holiday weekend) but everybody was enthusiastic and GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPLIES (hint, hint :) ).

The office is at 115 E. Baseline (SE corner Mill Avenue and Baseline) in Tempe. It's next to Tom's BBQ. The office number is 480-755-3343.

Stop by, sign some petitions or help with some phone calls or something else, even to just say hi. They'll be out walking the district this and the next few Saturdays.

Anyway, have a great weekend, and a safe holiday!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

There is some justice in the world tonight...

News story from azcentral.com....

Commentary from

Jon Talton's column from

Yes, I expect that even if they end up in prison, it will be for less than 3 years. Probably less than 1 with appeals, because...

Yes, I expect that Presidential Pardons are being printed as we speak.

Yes, I expect that this verdict won't help any of the thousands of people hurt by these clowns.

So what. It's a start.

Thanks to Desert Rat Democrat for the pic.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why don't we have a...

Public Commission on the [Arizona] Legislature?

The one in Oregon seems to have some great ideas....

From the Salem StatesmanJournal:

A citizen commission voted Monday to endorse an open primary and nonpartisan elections by chamber, which would shake up how voters choose Oregon lawmakers. "I believe it is the job of this commission to change the story of the Legislature," said Barbara Karmel of Wilsonville, a commission member and management consultant. She added that lawmakers must find something other than political parties to organize around. The recommendations by the Public
Commission on the Oregon Legislature do not bind legislators. But voters themselves may decide the merits of an open primary if an initiative qualifies for the Nov. 7 general election.

This from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- Lawmakers pass laws telling people not to drink and drive. Now a citizen panel is telling lawmakers not to drink and work.The Public Commission on the Oregon Legislature adopted a recommendation Monday that says Oregon legislators and staff members should not be drunk while performing their official duties.

Imagine...a legislature that focuses on constituent needs, not party politics (non-partisan elections)...a legislature that has to live to the same standards as the rest of us (can't be drunk at work)...even the thought would cause a rash of seizures. Across the leadership of both major parties.

Instead we have the likes of Russell 'Creative Statman' Pearce, Jack 'culture of corruption' Harper, Ron 'Confederate Battle Flag' Gould (don't have a link on that one, but scroll down past the Harper post on R-Cubed and there's info available), Laura 'Judge Me By What I Say, Not How I Vote' Knaperek...and so on.

You get the picture.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Has anyone watched the DBacks this year?

I'm a life-long Red Sox fan, and that's not going to change, but I've caught a few Diamondbacks games on TV this year, including last night and tonight.

With the exception of Luis Gonzalez and maybe Shawn Green, the team is pretty much anonymous. An deservedly so, for the most part. That's not a knock on the players; most of them are young and/or role players. And they are all good baseball players.

There aren't any 'five-tool' superstars in the making here, though some of the players, such as Chad Tracy and Conor Jackson, have the makings of perennial all-stars.

The team is just plain fun to watch. They play good defense (and as someone who grew up with a team that put Butch 'E5' Hobson at third, I appreciate this), they are good at situational hitting, and milking good pitching performances out of rookies and career journeymen. Except for Brandon Webb, who may be the lowest-profile dominant pitcher in MLB today.

They won't win 'em all, or even most of them, but they never give up (see Friday's game) and they'll never be boring. And in a couple of years, if the team doesn't have to do a Florida Marlins-style firesale, they're going to be very good.

Anyway, this is an entertaining team to watch. More people should be doing just that.

Time for a bit of a rant, local goverment edition

I received the following email from the City of Scottsdale on Friday:

Scottsdale Update


The public is invited to a farewell reception for City Councilman Kevin Osterman from 4:15 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, in the City Hall Kiva, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd. The reception is being held just prior to a City Council meeting scheduled at 5 p.m.Councilman Osterman is leaving office on June 6 after two years of service on the City Council. He was elected in 2004 to fill the remaining two years of a four-year term left vacant by the resignation of a council member. Councilman Osterman's service to the city also includes appointments to the Scottsdale Planning Commission from 2000 to 2003 and to the 2000 Citizens Budget Committee and Bond Review Committee. He was also a member of the Mayor's Gang Task Force. The reception is informal and light refreshments will be provided. No reservations are necessary. For more information, call (480) 312-2335.

No mention of this is on the city's website, including in the posted agenda for the meeting. To be fair, it is clear from the email that the reception is before the meeting. I still would have thought that an event important enough to send out an email under the city's name (subscriptions@scottsdaleaz.gov ) would rate a mention on the city's website.

Anyway, that's not my rant. Here goes....

2 years?!? A going-away party for 2 years? I understand that the denizens of Scottsdale's City Hall are a close-knit clique, but 2 years is a hiccup in politics. That deserves a pat on the back, a hand-shake, and a 'see you next election cycle.' That's it. If they want to have a party, wait until his last council meeting has ended, and meet up to commiserate at the fashionable watering hole du jour.

Instead, the clique is utilizing city resources, both in city employee time (to set up and run the reception) and in taxpayer money (for the 'light refreshments') to fete one of its own.

Is it any wonder that the only non-incumbent on the ballot (Tony Nelssen) won a spot on the City Council? Is there any doubt that if Nan Nesvig had made it to the ballot without her candidacy being anonymously submarined that *she* would have won too?

More importantly, has the clique learned any lessons from this? Based on the evidence at hand, probably not.

If anybody is interested, I can forward the email. Just let me know.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well, it's time for

a pick on J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ5) post.

It's been too long. I need my fix. This will be a short post though.

I was cruising through his House website, and found this little gem in his "News" section, under the headline "Congressman J.D. Hayworth Says "No Way" to Senate Version of Supplemental Budget Bill" (dated May 5, 2006):

"The U.S. Senate voted to authorize a total of $109 billion in spending -- $14
billion above the level requested by President Bush in the supplemental budget.
The president had asked Congress for $92.2 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan and hurricane relief."

Umm, JD? $109 billion - $92.2 billion = $16.8 billion. Not $14 billion.

Basic math, anyone?

"Re-elect JD Hayworth. Not the Education Congressman."*** Catchy slogan, doncha' think? LOL

And later in the same press release he announced that

"I will not support any budget that exceeds the president's request."

Umm2, JD. Just a reminder. You were elected to represent Arizona's 5th Congressional District, not George W. Bush.

***Note: this is not a cheap shot. Well, not toooo cheap. The only AZ congressman on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce is Rep. Raul Grijalva.


The temperature today? It was warm today, but not that warm.

My weight? Ummm....NO.

My IQ? Well, could be, but I don't actually know my IQ. Anyway, that's not what I'm talking about.

Played my round at the TPC in Scottsdale today.


Yes, that's my score. And even included one par on the par 3 7th hole. (for the record: My putting killed me today - 1 one-putt, 2 two putts. The rest were 3-putts or worse.)

It's a great course, with great service, but I probably won't go back. It is most definitely NOT a good value as far as golf courses go. At $150+ per round now, $250+ during prime time (December thru March), it just isn't worth it. There's too many courses in the Phoenix area that are very good, are nearly as good, and a lot less pricey. My favorite is Karsten at ASU.

But my sister Cori loves me and bought a gift certificate for me for Christmas.

And it was fun. Even with my score.

Thanks Cori!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

My first, my very first

Well, before you get excited, I'm talking about my first letter to the editor (just submitted, don't know if it will get published) and to our esteemed (dripping sarcasm there) junior Senator, Jon Kyl.

***Edit on May 17: Actually, this was my 2nd letter to a politician. When I was younger, I wrote a letter to the President when I was 10 or so to suggest that they make a new holiday. Paul Revere's birthday. He was born on January 1st, but I suggested celebrating it on the 2nd. I think it was to try and lengthen Christmas vacation from school by a day. I received a nice form letter from President Ford that essentially said "Great idea! No." (Yeah, I was much younger, lol.) Now back to your regularly scheduled opinion letter....***

Dear Senator Kyl:

It was revealed this week that the U.S. government has been gathering the phone records of millions of Americans. This has been done without probable cause or even rubber-stamp warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

During the resulting and unsurprising uproar over this, you, as an elected representative of the people whose privacy was so baldly violated, opined that
“This is nuts. We’re in (a) war. And you’ve got to collect intelligence on the enemy.”

Later, on a Fox News talk show, you added
“every cops-and-robbers show that you see in prime time talks about this same kind of thing. They have a telephone number. 'Let's run a trace and see who else he called or who called him.' It's standard criminal investigative practice.”

Perhaps on TV it is, but whether on TV or in reality, it is NOT “standard criminal investigative practice” to gather the records of everyone. The practice that you are referring to involves specific research into a specific person’s records, when a judge has determined that there is probable cause to do so, and has issued a warrant.

Senator Kyl, with all due respect, when did WE become the enemy?

Given your history of contempt for your constituents (remember calling us ‘dupes’ for passing
The Drug Medicalization, Prevention and Control Act in 1996?), and now considering us ‘enemies,’ I have to ask you, do you really want to be our elected representative? If we are as foolish and even despicable as you have said, are we truly worthy of your services as our United States Senator?

Just something to think about as your re-election campaign gears up.

Your constituent,

Craig McDermott

Good night everyone!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Writing exercise 1

I'm going to try to write about tonight's edition of The Daily Show in real-time.

This is a first for me (so be forgiving :) ), but here goes....

Tuned into Comedy Central a few minutes early...the Mind of Mencia is pretty good..."The Serranos" take off of "The Sopranos" was right on.

Anyway, on to The Daily Show................

Jon Stewart opened with an "apology" for making fun of some local TV station's attack ad (against another local station). OK, it wasn't an apology so much as an excuse to poke fun at them again. It was funny as hell.

After that he turned to "less important news" - Iran.

Specifically, the Iranian President's letter to the U.S.

Rob Cordrey was brought on to provide "analysis".

Cordrey's funny, and had some good lines, but this wasn't the best topic to fuel a comedy bit.

Though the use of the final scene from the original Bad News Bears to illustrate Bush's expected response to the letter ("take your apology and your trophy and shove it up your ass") was PERFECT!.

Broke to commercials...

Came back to the show with Lewis Black! YES!!

He was on a rant about a press releases masked as news reports. While the 'news reports' were all corporate - provided, Lewis was fair. He also went off on a particularly insipid Good Morning America report on aging. It consisted of having Robin Roberts put on makeup, put popcorn in her gloves and smear vaseline on some glasses, and go out into the world to shop.

Investigative reporting is dead in the MSM (his implication, my straight out comment.)

Off to commercials....

Back to actor Billy Connolly hawking his show in NYC.

Billy started by sucking up to the New York audience (brilliant??? whatever! lol).

Then made up for it by comparing the U.S. to the 'popular' kid in high school that was always secretly loathed. Good stuff.

More stuff, pretty funny. Good show so far, but not spectacular.

One more plug for his show ("thru June 3rd!") and break to commercials...

Back to show for wrap up...

Check in with The Colbert Report, with Stephen Colbert riffing on accents because Billy Connolly is Scottish.

Moment of Zen, with a final look at Robin Roberts and the Iranian President...

Overall, an ok show. Lots of chuckles, but only one or two 'laugh out loud' moments. The best one being Connolly's bit about his visit to a burn victim in a hospital.

Tomorrow night: I try this with The Colbert Report.


Oh, I almost forgot...

FINALS ARE OVER!! Whoooo hooooo!!!

Only two classes this semester, an only 3 weeks off until summer session starts (one class) but

Whooooo Hoooooo!!!

Did I mention that I'm happy about it? LOL.

Good night everyone....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There oughta be a law....(entertainment version)

There oughta be a law....

Mandating that for any movie that is a remake, sequel, based on a TV show or TV cartoon, or based on a comic book, the price for admission to a screening cannot be more than $4. Movies based on novels are exempted for now - "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy alone earns the exemption.

...G'bye MI:3, Rocky 6 (or is it 7?) and Halloween whatever; hello Writers' Guild membership drive.

Mandating that once a TV show airs, network execs cannot screw with the schedule or creative process of the show.

...Maybe the next "Commander-in-Chief" or "Firefly" will have a fighting chance.

Mandating that before getting nominated for a Grammy, any musical artist must write/perform a political song. Doesn't have to be a protest song. Doesn't have to be a 'my country, love it or leave it" song. Just a song with an opinion, musically expressed. Right now it seems like the only artists that are saying much are either hip-hop and rap artists taking a break from the 'booty and bling' routine, or overwrought singer-songwriters whose angst is surpassed only by their obscurity.

...Maybe some young'un will compete with Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young for this year's Record of the Year. ...OK, probably not.

Mandating that 'celebrity' authors who write anything other than one (and ONLY one) autobiography be required to sign, ring up and bag each of their books sold. If you are going to take rack space from real writers, (LIKE MOLLY IVINS!!) you have to earn it.

...Teri Hatcher?!? Best-selling author??? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Good looking? Certainly. Good actress? Sure. Good writer???? Who's kidding who here?

Anyway, enough ranting for tonight....Later!

Note: this post was started on 9 May, but not posted until 10 May. I didn't expect the date stamp to show the start time, only the posted time.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A brief post tonight...

I think that 20 years from now, we are going to look back with wonder and awe at Comedy Central's one/two punch of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

Has there ever been a more spot-on hour of political/social commentary and satire?

And that's not even counting Colbert's masterful performance at the White House Correspondents Association dinner last weekend. Too bad the prez and his press corps are humor-impaired.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well, it's time for a golf post

I finally booked a time at the TPC Scottsdale. I wouldn't normally play there (in fact I never have) as I am a REALLY bad golfer, and my game doesn't improve with the amount of money that I spend on a round.

$10/round, $250/round. Makes no difference. Still a hacker either way.

But it's still a blast anyway. :)

But my sister loves me (somebody has to, right? lol) and bought a gift certificate for me for Christmas.

Got the email confirmation earlier:

This E-mail message confirms your Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:50 AM tee time for 1 held with your MasterCard card ending with XXXX. Confirmation number: XXXXXXXX reservations.tpc@golfmailbox.com

Thank you for choosing the TPC of Scottsdale, Stadium Course. This award winning PGA TOUR facility is known as the Home of the PGA TOUR's "FBR Open," the largest attended golf event in the world with over 500,000 in attendance. We look forward in providing you a PGA TOUR Experience, with great course conditions and service. Stadium Course golf rates include greens fee, cart fee, practice balls, bag tag and yardage book. If you have questions or need further assistance before you arrive, please call the TPC of Scottsdale at 480-585-4334 or toll free at 888-400-4001. ***************************************************************************** Here are a few tips that will make your golf experience the best it can be: ---Please check-in 30 minutes prior to your starting time. ---Please inform the Golf Shop if your group will require rental clubs. ---Dress code requires collared shirts and no denim. ---Metal spike alternatives are recommended. Reservations made outside of 48 hours are subject to a 48 hour cancellation policy. Cancellation of your starting time is 48 hours in advance without penalty. If you cancel your time inside 48 hours, you will be charged if the TPC cannot refill your time.

Stadium course conditions: Currently in FBR Open conditions with very lush tee, greens and fairways. Green speeds are 11.0 and we are now off the cart path 90 degrees. ****************************************************************************
Please refer to our Internet site at
www.tpc.com/daily/scottsdale if you need anymore information. T P C - Stadium 17020 N. Hayden Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85255-¹___ (480) 585-4334 P.S. If you do not wish to receive reservation confirmations or any other offers from us in the future, please reply to this e-mail with 'remove' in the subject line.

Let's see if I can keep the lost balls count in single digits. (for the record, the first time that I played Karsten at ASU, I lost 14 balls in 18 holes. Ouch. Down to 4 per round now. Whooo hooo!)


Monday, May 01, 2006

The truest rite of spring

Flowers blooming? Nope.

Birds returning north? Not that either.

MLB's Opening Day? Closer, but no.

The truest indicator that spring has sprung took place Monday evening, in a peaceful, restful, even bucolic setting.

Except that there was no peace or rest, and the only thing bucolic about the setting was that the grass was green, and natural.

Yes folks, on Monday evening, another chapter was written in the most legendary of sports rivalries.

The Yankees and Red Sox played for the first time this season.

As has happened so often of late, they started the game in a tie for first place in the division, but that doesn't matter in this rivalry. One team could be in last while the other is coasting to a pennant.

The players and fans of both teams want each game. No matter how meaningless it might be in the overall pennant race.

The score was almost irrelevant (Red Sox won, 7 - 3). In this rivalry, the stories within the story are what give the rivalry its unique texture.

Johnny Damon returning to Fenway for the first time since going over to the Dark Side of the Force (aka - joining the Yankees as a free agent).

Greeted with a mix of boos and cheers. It was easier to cheer for a Yankee after an 0 for 4 night.

Another Former Red Sox turned Hated Yankee (also for money) was greeted rudely, not by the fans, but by David Ortiz. Gave up a 3-run homer that socked away the game for the Red Sox.

Doug Mirabelli returning to Fenway after getting traded to San Diego in the off season. He was replaced as Tim Wakefield's personal catcher by Josh Bard. After 10 passed balls in Wakefield's 4 starts, Bard, a minor leaguer and a player-to-be-named (or cash) were traded to SD to bring Mirabelli back.

Mirabelli rushed back east and arrived a few minutes before gametime, and got as many hits as Damon (0), but still had a much better night - 0 passed balls, 1 runner caught stealing in the Red Sox victory.

The trade: definitely a good idea.

To sum up, here's a quote from my sister's email (she kept me updated at work):

"Fans showered Damon with money in the outfield.

Mirabelli arrived via police escort and changed into his uniform in thevehicle and raced onto the field for the start of the game.

There's NOTHING like baseball in Boston."

And that's just the regular season. Tonight's atmosphere was NOTHING compared to what it will be like if the Sox meet the Evil Empire in the playoffs.

1 down, 18 to go.

Did I mention that the Sox won?

