Saturday, September 07, 2024

Certain folks (OK, MAGA types and other Rs) like to complain that the MSM is biased against them

But then CNN cuts them some slack (undeserved slack, IMO).

From CNN (emphasis added by me)

How some of the biggest right-wing social media stars became unwitting mouthpieces of Russian propaganda

They’re not on any of the major television networks, but they have millions of viewers. Now, the Justice Department is alleging that some of the biggest stars in right-wing social media were, unwittingly, part of a sinister Russian operation to influence the 2024 US election.

The personalities weren’t directly named or accused of wrongdoing by the Justice Department, but court documents unsealed Wednesday revealed Russian state media producers funneled nearly $10 million to an unnamed Tennessee-based online media company. The company, identified by CNN as Tenet Media, boasts a slate of high-profile right-wing commentators as “talent,” including Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Lauren Southern, Tayler Hansen, Matt Christiansen and Dave Rubin, collectively boasting millions of followers across social media platforms

My ass.

They may be vile people, but they aren't stupid ones.

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