Monday, August 12, 2024

Project 2025: Bad for America and bad for Arizona

Certain folks in the AZ legislature don't care about America or Arizona.

They should, though, but they only care about two things;

1  Their personal ideologies, and inflicting them on the rest of society..

2. Inflicting Cheeto on the rest of society.

Yes, society is something they hate with an unwavering passion.

On Project 2025"s effects on Arizonans:.  From AZ Mirror, written by Jerod MacDonald-Evoy -

Project 2025 will raise taxes on Arizonans while cutting their social security and health care

If former President Donald Trump is elected and enacts the controversial Project 2025, Arizonans can expect to see worse taxes, social security, health care and much more, according to a new report. 

Project 2025 is a right-wing blueprint created by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power if Trump wins in November. The list of policy plans was created in large part by former Trump aides and allies. 

The Heritage Foundation created the document in partnership with more than 100 other conservative groups, many with extreme views on abortion, taxes, immigration and federal agencies. Proposals in Project 2025 include completely banning abortion nationwide, bringing the U.S. Department of Justice under the direct control of the president, increased immigration enforcement and sweeping cuts to federal agencies. 


Under the proposal, a typical family of four in Arizona would see an increase of $2,720 a year in their taxes, while households making more than $10 million would see a tax cut that averages to $1.5 million each year. 

The plan also supports plans to cut Social Security by raising the retirement age for 73% of Arizona’s residents. Project 2025’s changes to Social Security were mirrored by the Republican Study Committee, which includes members of Project 2025, which would raise the Social Security retirement age from 67 to 69. CAP estimates that a median-wage retiree could lose between $46,000 to $100,000 over the course of 10 years. 


Arizona Republican State Sen. Janae Shamp is a fervent supporter of (Michael) Flynn and has a Christian nationalist flag on her desk at the Capitol. Shamp, a conservative from Surprise, has also shared a number of QAnon posts on her Facebook page, including some linked to neo-Nazis and antisemites

A close ally of Shamp’s, Sen. Steve Montenegro, R-Goodyear, works with the Flynn aligned The America Project. Trump has also spoken about bringing Flynn back if reelected.

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