Sunday, July 07, 2024

With their ruling in Trump v. USA, the U.S. Supreme Court has announced which dance move is sweeping America

At least, their immunity decision proclaims which is the go to dance move at Trump U Law School faculty mixers.

That move is the Abject Genuflect.

From Merriam-Webster -

Wonder if the majority on the Court realized that with their ruling creating an imperial presidency, they also created a paradox along the lines of "if God is all powerful, can he create a rock that's so heavy that he himself cannot lift it?"

Guessing that they did - they may be utterly without integrity, but none of them are utterly without intelligence.

The paradox is thus - If an entity created by a Constitution and given the authority to evaluate whether something adheres to that Constitution then declares that Constitution to be null and void, do they then retain the authority to render such a decision?

They'll say that they do, of course, but credibility counts, and they have none.

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