Friday, July 19, 2024

Rape, sexual abuse, harassment and more: at least we know what a 2nd term of Cheeto as POTUS will look like

The folks who plan to vote for him, or are even considering doing so, should probably think about his past.

From CBS News -

Shelter provider accused of "pervasive" sexual abuse of migrant children in U.S. custody

The Justice Department this week accused the largest provider of shelters for migrant children in U.S. custody of failing to protect minors from "severe" and "pervasive" sexual abuse in its goverment-funded facilities.

In a lawsuit filed on Wednesday and announced on Thursday, the Justice Department accused employees of Southwest Key, a Texas-based organization, of sexually abusing and harassing unaccompanied migrant children in shelters operated by the nonprofit since at least 2015.

Multiple Southwest Key shelter employees, the lawsuit alleged, have raped, sexually abused, sexually harrased and inappropriately touched children in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services, which is responsible for caring for migrant minors who cross the U.S.-Mexico border without their parents. The Justice Department also accused Southwest Key employees of soliciting sex acts and nude photos from young migrants and of engaging in inappropriate relationships with them.

The USDOJ's press release on the matter in here.

This wouldn't seem to tie into Cheeto...except for his history of rape and hating migrants.

And his track record of using public funds to enrich/enable Southwest Keys.

From a Snopes fact check, dated June 22, 2018 -

Is the Trump Administration Paying Southwest Key $458 Million to Run Immigrant Child Detention Centers?

Given his history, it wouldn't be surprising if he used a second term in office to change part of the job from being Commander in Chief to being Pimp in Chief.

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