Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The minds of most voters won't be changed by the presidential debate

This is a relatively quiet week in AZ politics - last week, the lege adjourned for the year and next week, primary ballots will start being mailed out, so this week, the most interesting thing in AZ politics will take place outside of AZ.

While he's not perfect, Joe Biden is a decent human being trying to do a thankless job.

The next time that Cheeto behaves like a decent human being will be the first time.

Both things are well-known to their supporters and detractors, and the people who have decided to vote for either won't change that decision, even after the debate.

Biden's supporters (and I'm one) care about the character of their elected officials while Cheeto's supporters don't.

My guess is that won't change, so both will try to appeal to the folks who are undecided.

Only four questions remain.

Those questions (with my answers in parentheses) -

1. Will Cheeto moon the audience (maybe)?

2. If he does that, will his supporters swoon (yes, of course)?

3. If he does that, will the people on his shortlist for VP candidates throw elbows at each other in an effort to put themselves in a position to enthusiastically kiss what was presented to them (yes, of course)?

4. Will Cheeto enter the stage to the strains of Cult of Personality by Living Colour (not unless I'm put in charge of the candidates' entrance music and I can secure the rights to play the music, and can obtain them on short notice)?

The debate will be broadcast by CNN.  However, for those who, like me, don't have cable, it will be simulcast on many over-the-air outlets.

FWIW, I think that Biden will win the election.  I don't have any great political insight to share, but Biden is the answer to one very important question.

Who would you rather have a beer with?

Biden would ask "draft, can, or bottle"?

Cheeto would ask if the container has his image on it (and if he was getting a percentage)?

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