Friday, June 14, 2024

Arizona Republican Party: "Arizona" in name only?

On 6/11, the AZGOP sent out a rather non-specific press release touting their fundraising prowess.

From that email -


The email was unclear as to which 13 weeks they were talking about here, but one thing was clear: they really shouldn't pique the interest of wiseasses with time available to be, well, *wiseasses.*

I took a look at their May monthly report to the FEC, which is the most current report available.  It covers only their April activity, and April is just 4+ weeks long, but I'm presuming that those 4+ weeks are part of the 13 weeks touted in the press release

I'm not saying that they lied in their press release, but April is ~1/3 of the period mentioned in the press release.

During that 1/3 of the period, they raised ~1/10 of the total mentioned in the press release.

From the summary of the report:

According to their April report, the AZGOP raised a little less than $133800 (caveat: my reading/analysis of the report showed that they reported $146K in donations, but some may not have been actual donations )

Of those donations, 

37 were thru WinRed (an online fundraising tool for Republicans that's similar to ActBlue for Democrats) for an average of ~$179.

49 were from out-of-state individuals, for an average of ~$646

15 were rom PACs or other committees, for an average of ~$5365.  Some of that money may be earmarked for specific purposes, even though this is a genal fund/committee.  For example, the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) gave them over $46K in one contribution.  I presume that was done with the understanding that the funds go toward helping their eventual nominee for U.S. Senate.

139 were from AZ individuals, for an average of ~$218.

The "not Arizona" part of "Arizona Republican Party"?

More than 75% of their funds raised came from committees or from out-of-state individuals.

Note: that total does not include the WinRed donations, because those were usually paired with an individual donation in the same amount and on the same day.  Some of those were from Arizona, but the vast majority were not.

The FEC report can be found here.

The FEC sent them a letter regarding a problem with a donation from the Hitler Youth PAC MAGA PAC Turning Point PAC.  The letter is here.

The AZGOP committee's FEC ID is C00008227.

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