Thursday, May 30, 2024

Cheeto: guilty on all counts!

My mood right now -

From Zazzle.

From Politico -

Inside the courtroom: A drumbeat of ‘guilty’ and a blank stare from Trump

The first count landed like a hammer: “Guilty.”

In business-like fashion, the foreman of a Manhattan jury transformed Donald Trump — the former president of the United States and possibly the next one — into a convicted felon. Then he said it 33 more times.

While he almost certainly isn't as wealthy as he wants others to believe and is nowhere near as wealthy as he himself wants to be, he's not living paycheck-to-paycheck (as too many of us are), as such, I expect that receive a rich man's sentence for this conviction -

Probation and a fine.

I believe that the only way he even sniffs the inside of a cell over this is his adamant refusal to accept responsibility for his bad acts.

From an email that I received today (and I again edited out his pic and added emphasis with the red brackets {the yellow highlighter was already part of the email) -

Actually, the folks who, in my opinion. merit the most sympathy here are the members of his Secret Service detail.

If he's incarcerated, one or more of them will voluntold to be his cellmate.

Pretty sure none of them signed up for that.

I'm a little torn over today's verdict -

It's a sad day for America because a former POTUS is now and forevermore a convict.

On the other had it's a great day for America because even a former POTUS is subject to the rule of law.

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