Saturday, September 24, 2022

Rest assured R voters, you may have rejected Mark Brnovich in your primary, but he's still one of you

He may have come in third in a primary battle, but he still isn't interested in being an honorable and decent public servant.

From the website of the Arizona Secretary of State -

Brnovich seems to have developed a pattern, a pattern of probation vs. prison for his office' cases.

[begin sarcasm]

I can't quite put my finger on it.

[/end sarcasm]

Maybe a reader can.

Most of the following information was gathered from the press releases from the website of the Arizona Attorney General. ("place" is the county of the case; "term" is in years)

While I think that the pattern holds true in other areas, I've stuck with the recently announced "political" cases, as this is a political blog...and he has issued more than 1210 press releases since he's been in office.

Crow got a deal.

McKee got a deal.

Conner got a deal.

All received probation, but no prison, as part of their deals.

Contrast this with the treatment by certain other defendants in "political" cases.

Garcia did not get a deal.

Aguirre got prison, too. (I'm having trouble finding a court record to take a snippy of, so I linked to Brnovich's press release)

The cases have one other thing in common - all were prosecuted by Todd Lawson from the AG's office.

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