Saturday, May 28, 2022

Do the NRA's 30 pieces come in check form or do they go with old standby of brown paper bags?

 Oh, who am I kidding?

The "contributions" that they report probably come in checks.

From the report that they filed with the Arizona Secretary of State for Q3 2020 -

While they got their money's worth from Gray and Borrelli (as described in my last post), the money given to Fann and Bowers is probably money better spent - respectively, Fann and Bowers are President of the State Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, and both are well-positioned to kill any bills that the NRA opposes.

Still, it's not just state legislators who benefit from the NRA's largesse.

From reports filed by the NRA-Institute for Legislative Action, filed with the Federal Election Commission -

Schweikert and Lesko are running for Congress again while Shedd is running for Arizona Attorney General.

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