Sunday, March 06, 2022

Mendoza looks to pick up the bigotry baton left by Russell Pearce

If she wins her race, and Wendy Rogers wins reelection, Rogers won't be the only anti-Semite in the Arizona legislature.

Actually, I'm pretty sure she isn't now, but Rogers is the only one who has been censured over it.

From CNN -

Speaker removed from RNC program after tweeting anti-Semitic conspiracy theory

A speaker who was scheduled to deliver remarks at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday was abruptly removed from the program after she retweeted a thread promoting an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory with ties to the fringe conspiracy theory, QAnon.

Mary Ann Mendoza, whose police officer son was killed by a drunk driver, had been included in a list of speakers sent by the Trump campaign earlier Tuesday evening. An updated rundown circulated before the convention, however, did not include Mendoza after her tweet garnered significant scrutiny following a report by The Daily Beast.
Mendoza had tweeted, "Do yourself a favor and read this thread" in reference to a string of conspiratorial tweets about a Jewish plan to control the world. She later deleted the tweet and claimed that she hadn't read "every post within the thread."
Pic from The Daily Beast

You've got to be *really* extreme to be too extreme for the RNC.

She's largely self-funding her campaign for legislature.  While she reported $450 in individual contributions, she's loaned her campaign $2000.

Note: The pic with Mendoza and Cheeto is from a 2019 anti-immigrant veto ceremony, and Mendoza isn't the only Arizonan in the pic.  Mark Lamb, the sheriff of Pinal County, is in the pic (2nd from right)

Normally, I don't write about legislative candidates/races at this point, but this was too much too ignore until ballots are finalized.

Russell Pearce was an infamously bigoted member of the Arizona legislature from Mesa.

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