Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Committees update - "open" legislative seats in relatively safe districts

Another brief one...

A few interesting names have formed committees for runs at seats in the legislature -

- Rich Bauer, a captain in the Phoenix Fire Department, has opened a committee for a run at the Democratic nomination for an LD24 House seat (currently, the LD24 seats are held by Democrats Lela Alston and Chad Campbell; Campbell, the House Minority Leader, is term-limited and "exploring" a run for governor.)

- Chuck Schmidt, Assistant Executive Director of the Arizona Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association has opened a committee for a run at the Republican nomination for an LD23 House seat (currently, the LD23 seats are held by Republicans John Kavanagh and Michelle Ugenti; Kavanagh has already opened a committee for a run at the LD23 Senate seat currently held by Michele Reagan, who is exploring a run for Secretary of State.)  Assuming that everything stays on the current course in LD23, a primary battle is all but guaranteed here - Scottsdale City Councilman Bob Littlefield is already exploring an R House run here.

- Jeff Weninger, member of the Chandler City Council, has opened an exploratory committee, no office specified.  However, according to a press release, he is running for the Republican nomination for a House seat from LD17 (currently, the LD17 seats are held by Republicans Tom Forese and JD Mesnard; Forese has already formed an exploratory committee for a run at the Corporation Commission).

- Diane Landis, member of the Litchfield Park City Council, has filed for a Republican House nomination in LD13 (currently, the LD13 House seats are held by Republicans Steve Montenegro and Darin Mitchell; Montenegro is exploring a run at Secretary of State).

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