Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Do split ends qualify as a "recurring injury"?

When Rick Perry replaced George W. Bush as the governor of Texas, the late, great, Molly Ivins nicknamed him "Governor Goodhair."  His hair is a little grayer now, but he seems to be just as focused on "not a hair out of place" as ever.

pic courtesy

From the Texas Tribune (h/t to Teagan Goddard's Political Wire for noticing this) -
When Gov. Rick Perry emerged from back surgery on July 1, he tweeted that his “little procedure” — a spinal fusion and nerve decompression designed to treat a recurring injury — had gone “as advertised.”
The possible presidential contender didn’t reveal that he’d undergone an experimental injection of his own stem cells, a therapy that isn’t FDA approved, has mixed evidence of success and can cost upwards of tens of thousands of dollars.
To be fair to soon-to-be-official presidential candidate Perry, while this seems a little bizarre, it isn't hypocritical - while he is rabidly opposed to embryonic stem cell research, he has long supported adult stem cell research.

Still, this was too good to pass up, especially given that he will soon be slogging his way across Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire and the other early primary states.  In those places, he'll be trying to reach Republican primary voters.

These are the same folks who believe that all government spending is bad, and will tell you that rather loudly and definitively, before they drive on public roads to deposit their Social Security checks into their FDIC-insured accounts in banks staffed by people educated in public schools, all the while protected by public employees called police officers and fire fighters.

In short, many of them won't understand the nuanced differences between "embryonic" and "adult."  More importantly, they won't want to understand the difference.

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