Friday, August 13, 2010

Tune in Monday for the next stage in the infighting at Maricopa County

More goings-on in Maricopa County...

From the Arizona Republic -
Maricopa County officials will subpoena records that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has refused to hand over to U.S. Department of Justice lawyers for a civil-rights investigation, according to a county letter.

Cari Gerchick, a county spokeswoman, told The Insider that the move is meant to prevent federal officials from taking away funds from the county. Last year, she said the county received $113 million in federal funds; she could not immediately say how much went to the Sheriff’s Office.

"Certainly we want to try to minimize any exposure we have on either the legal or financial front," Gerchick said. "We believe the Sheriff’s Office should comply with the Department of Justice’s investigation on the basis of the civil rights investigation. We don’t know why they wouldn’t comply. And, our letter to the DOJ is to let them know that Maricopa County will assist the DOJ in its inquiry."
The next broadside in the ongoing battle between the County Supes and the Maricopa County Sheriff will take place on Monday when the supes hold a special meeting to consider to consider but a single item -

Consider an action, if applicable, to adopt a resolution entitled, “Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County to Issue an Order to Show Cause to Maricopa County Sheriff's Office - Joseph Arpaio to Appear and Show Cause Why the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Should Not be Held in Contempt for Failure to Comply with Board Issued Subpoena Duces Tecum Dated July 29, 2010.” (C-06-11-053-M-00)
Earlier on Monday, there will be an "informal" meeting with the normally juicy (in a "get the Kool-Aid drinkers worked up" sort of way) topics of property tax levies, but most of the attention will be on the "special" meeting.
Wednesday's "formal" meeting of the supes includes an item to terminate early the lease with Wells Fargo, at Wells Fargo's request, for the MCSO offices in the Wells Fargo building in downtown Phoenix.  They have leased space in the Luhrs Building at Central and Jefferson.
And as much fun as watching Wells Fargo throw Arpaio out of his preferred, and rather tony, digs in their building will be, that will be nothing compared to the fireworks at and after the special meeting on Monday.
The latest Arpaio antics, courtesy the Phoenix New Times' Valley Fever, here.

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