Friday, May 15, 2009

Quelland Out

From -

The Citizens Clean Elections Commission voted Friday to remove Rep. Doug Quelland from office and assess $45,500 in penalties for campaign-finance violations.

Quelland, who has championed the state's pioneering public-finance law, indicated through his attorney that he has been trying over the last few weeks to reach a settlement that would avoid the requirement that he forfeit his office.
There won't be a special election to fill the seat; the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors will choose a replacement for Quelland from a slate of three candidates chosen by the Republican PCs of his district.

In practice (though not in law, so strange things could happen), this means that the County Supervisor whose district covers Quelland's will select the replacement and the rest of the supes will rubberstamp the decision. I think that Quelland's district, LD10, falls into BOS chair Max Wilson's district (SD4), though it could be SD3, Andy Kunasek's.

More later...

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