Tuesday, June 26, 2007

State Rep. Steve Farley going national

Update: Well, it didn't happen at 10:30 a.m. AZ time. I'm not sure if the time in the email was incorrect, or if it just didn't go off.

Looking in to it.

End update.

Update2: Rep. Farley replied to an email asking about this. Apparently, the segment aired at approximately 10:45 (after pieces about a dead wrestler and strippers on a golf course.) I was in the middle of some maintenance at home and missed it. :((

He may be posting the clip on YouTube. I'll link to it if he does.

End update2.

Steve Farley will be on national TV tomorrow...

From an email from Friends 0' Farley (aka - a 'Farley-gram') -

Howdy, Friends o'Farley...

I know I said I would give you a month off from Farley Reports now that session is over, but I just had to share some breaking news.

I will be live on MSNBC tomorrow morning at 10:30am Arizona time to debate Pat Buchanan about Russell Pearce's latest immigration bill.

I plan to talk about real immigration solutions, not the harmful posturing that Rep. Pearce bandies about recklessly.

I have been assured by the producers that Mr. Buchanan will be the most gracious of hosts.

Tune in if you can--it should be an interesting show.

Thanks again for your support!



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