Monday, May 07, 2007

Short attention span musing...

Delayed a few days due to work and studying for finals...

...Even though George Bush is finally facing criticism even from some Republicans for many things (deficits, failure in Iraq, etc.), he has been following one Republican tenet to a 'T' -

Run government like a business.

Unfortunately for Americans in general, and veterans in particular, the business example is Enron.

From AP, via The Houston Chronicle -
Congressional leaders on Thursday demanded that the Veterans Affairs secretary explain hefty bonuses for senior department officials involved in crafting a budget that came up $1 billion short and jeopardized veterans' health care.

Our own Harry Mitchell (D-AZ5) has pledged to hold hearings investigating the practice. From the same AP article -
"These reports point to an apparent gross injustice at the VA that we have a responsibility to investigate," said Mitchell, D-Ariz. "No government official should ever be rewarded for misleading taxpayers, and the VA should not be handing out the most lucrative bonuses in government as veterans are waiting months and months to see a doctor."

It should be noted that the practice of giving big bonuses to execs and high-level managers while shafting field-level personnel and customers isn't limited to Enron; for example, check out the business practices of any major airline that's gone through bankruptcy. Most have demanded paycuts for their line workers while giving managers huge bonuses for cutting costs.

Of course, given the President's history, it was either going to be the bonuses for cutting the quality of care for veterans, or insider trading to benefit a chosen few. The fact that he's in running an unethical government, not an unethical business, limited his options.

...In a development that surprised few, the Yuma County DA was going to offer state rep Trish Groe (R-Lake Havasu) a plea to a non-felony charge relating to her DUI in March.

In a further development that surprised even fewer, the plea deal fell apart once it came to light.

The case, originally transferred to Yuma County from La Paz County to avoid a potential conflict of interest (Groe is a state rep for La Paz), is now being sent back to La Paz, where the DA there has said that he will have outside counsel handle the case.

Groe shouldn't face harsher penalties for her alleged crime because she is a legislator; however, she should face the same penalties as a normal citizen in the same situation.

Maybe this case will persuade the legislature to include treatment options in the state's DUI laws.

Ok. Probably not this bunch. :)

They'll probably think that hanging one of their own out to dry will provide political cover for even more draconian laws.

...In slightly related news, the talentless but wealthy Paris Hilton was sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving on a suspended license while on probation for another traffic violation, alcohol-related reckless driving.

In typical celebrity fashion, she has called the sentence "cruel" and blamed her publicist for her troubles, firing him as a result.

A few points here -

1. She makes Trish Groe look sympathetic - at least Rep. Groe has admitted that she has a problem; whether or not she does anything about it is another question, but at least she has taken the first step toward dealing with her problem.

2. Hilton's wealthy; she can afford to hire a chauffeur while her licence is suspended. No sympathy for her there, either.

3. WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH DID I GET EMAIL ALERTS FROM CNN ABOUT *THIS* OF ALL THINGS?!?!? It's freakin' celebrity gossip and nothing more. If Bush gets sentenced to jail, let me know; if the celeb-of-the-moment gets a hangnail


Ahhhh...venting. Always good for the soul. :))

Have a great week!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The state rep's punishment most likely would be $4,385 and four months in jail for a plea of a DUI aggrav with suspended license (or the same for the fact she had a prior.)