Monday, April 23, 2007

Innocent ol' me, upsetting people without even trying...

...normally not something I'd be proud of, but considering who was annoyed, I'm OK with it.

So there I was over on Espresso Pundit (a well-written blog, even if Greg usually takes the wrong positions on issues :) )...anyway, there I was, innocently reading the comments section of a post detailing Greg Patterson's appearance on Channel 12's "Sunday Square Off" with Tom Liddy and Rep. Kyrsten Sinema.

Greg's post was civil and informative (a couple of the reasons that his blog is so good), but a couple of the commenters took issue with Rep. Sinema, with one calling her an "ignoramus" while another called her an "embarrassment" to Democrats and stated that the Repubs were happy she is around (presumably to add to our embarrassment.)

Naturally, being a fan of hers and a loyal Democrat (and being really bored at the time), I made a comment defending her.

The sequence of comments -

Kyrsten Sinema is a dangerous ignoramus.
Posted by: Some Guy April 21, 2007 at 12:12 PM

And a general embarassment to liberals and Democrats alike... We're lucky to have her!
Posted by: Ahwatukee Kid April 21, 2007 at 05:36 PM

Ahwatukee Kid -
As for your first comment, we feel the same way - better an honest conservative than a corrupt liberal.

Corruption does more to undermine trust in the system than honest disagreement ever will.

As for your 2nd comment, guess what? We feel the same way about Jack Harper.

Every time he spouts off, we gain voters.

Keep him right where he is. PLEASE... :)

And finally, about Kyrsten Sinema being an 'ignoramus' - not even close. She's actually one of the smartest members of the lege.

Of course, with the lege, that may not be much of a compliment... :)
Posted by: Craig April 22, 2007 at 08:28 PM

OK. It wasn't exactly the sharpest or wittiest of repartee, but it wasn't exactly inflammatory, either.

Or so I thought. :)

The next commenter took serious offense at one part of my comment.

You are welcome to run against me if you believe everything you you read in the Napolitano Newsletter (state-wide daily paper). A recent Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate was one of the nastiest people in politics, but you never read in the biased newspaper how his millions of dollars smeared honest Republicans like John Huppenthal and Jake Flake.

So, step out of the shadows and sign up to run for the State Senate for LD-4. Many liberals have and God has protected me so far.
Posted by: State Senator Jack Harper April 22, 2007 at 08:54 PM

To that I say: Senator, if you can get the lege and the Secretary of State to waive the whole "live in the district to run there" thing, I just might take you up on the challenge, if only for the sheer joy of 'squaring off' against you in a couple of debates. And that's coming from someone who basically shy and has *no* public speaking or debating skills.

...Now, I could have said something snarky about Harper's last line, like "you know the old saying Jack - God protects fools and drunks?" Well, I'll grant that you seem like a pretty sober guy, Senator."

But, I'm more mature than that, so I won't do something that childish. LOL

Instead, I'll just make one more point -

I've never looked into the actions and positions of Jake Flake or John Huppenthal, so I can't make an observation about the honesty of either one, but I *do* know someone who has looked into the subject of Sen. Huppenthal's honesty, and found him lacking.

Jack Harper only hurts his own credibility when he associates himself with the likes of John Huppenthal.

Note to everyone: Geo at Geo's Precinct 134 did a number of great posts on the Huppenthal story; they are linked on the main page of his blog.

Note2: My reply comment on Espresso Pundit to Jack Harper's comment -

Senator Harper -
What I've learned about you didn't come from the AZ Republic.

It came from reading the bills you have proposed.

It came from visiting 1700 West Washington and watching you and the entire lege in action.

It came from watching some committee hearings involving you online.

It came from watching AZ Capitol Television.

As for running against you? That would mean moving to LD4; not going to happen.

I live in LD17, and actually like Tempe and Scottsdale.

Surprise? Not so much.

Good night everyone...
Posted by: Craig April 23, 2007 at 01:34 AM



Joe said...

it's not so much god as an overwhelming republican voter registration advantage that has kept Jack Harper his seat.

but the fact that he thinks it's actually god who did it is pretty funny. It would explain, however, why god hasn't been protecting our troops overseas, since the almighty creator of the infinite multiverses would have to work overtime to convince mere mortals that Jack Harper is a good state senator.

Craig said...