Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Harry Mitchell (CD5) to deliver weekly radio address for the Democrats

From a press release -
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Harry Mitchell will deliver the Democratic Radio Address this Saturday and will discuss congressional efforts to address the poor care our troops have received at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other facilities when they return home from Iraq .

In addition, he'll be holding a hearing into the poor conditions at Walter Reed and elsewhere. The hearing will be held in 334 Cannon HOB. The audio feed for that meeting room can be found on this page.

Note: I can't find a Phoenix radio station that is planning to air the address, but I'll post a link to an online outlet when one becomes available. I'm sure the DNC and AZDems will have it, even if a local station doesn't.

The radio address is significant for at least two reasons - again, it illustrates the esteem that his colleagues hold for Harry and, even more importantly, it shows that the Democratic majority in Congress isn't going to let go of the issue of how shabbily the Bush Administration has treated veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Good night!

1 comment:

TimWilsonAZ said...

92.3 KTAR plays the radio address. They do Bush's and then go in to the Democrats. I believe it's usually around 8 or 9.