Monday, January 29, 2007

I know it's early, and I don't necessarily like it, but Hillary Clinton is the one to beat

While she isn't my favorite candidate of those who have announced thus far, I have to admit that Hillary Clinton will be tough to beat.

Not because of her name recognition; while she has plenty of it, simply being 'well-known' can hurt a candidate as much as it helps one.

Not because of her ability to raise money, though she seems to be the best at that.

Not even because of her intelligence, because while she is *very* smart, so are most of the other candidates.

Nope, it's because she's *Hillary*.

Yes, there are a lot of people who can't stand the idea of her candidacy, many of them Democrats. Kevin Spidel has a good example of that here.

And God knows, the Republicans get absolutely torqued over the thought of having to refer to her as "Madame President."

Much like Governor Napolitano, Hillary Clinton's greatest strength as a candidate is her ability to excite people, many of whom would otherwise be utterly uninterested and uninvolved, to get involved and do so early in the election cycle.

I saw a firsthand example of that this weekend.

The people that I work with know that I am politically active, though most of the time it doesn't come up. That changed this weekend when one the women that I work with asked me if I knew of any local volunteer opportunities with the Clinton campaign. Three or four others also chimed in when they heard the question. After I told her what I know, a stunning realization set in -

We're over a year away from the primaries and 21 months away from the general election, and people who have *never* volunteered for a campaign are already lining up.

For the rest of the Dem contenders, that's going to be tough to beat.

Hillary Clinton's website here; calendar of Valley events here.

In the interests of equal time...

Richardson for President website here;

Edwards for President website here;

Obama for President website here.

If any other candidate becomes viable (i.e. - if Biden or Dodd or any of the others gains some traction) I'll post links to their websites.


1 comment:

Zelph said...

How do you measure "traction"? Mention in the MSM? I am concerned that the corporate media is preselecting our presidential candidates. They've already told us that our choices will be between Hillary and Sen. McSurge, neither of whom I personally find very attractive. The corporate media has their own interests and they are not the same as the interests of the American people,not by a long shot.