Thursday, December 07, 2006

LD17 rumor

I generally don't do rumors, and this one is an unattributed one (for now) per the request of my source, but the source is very credible.

So, I'm going with it.

Remember the speculation concerning who the Republicans will run against Harry Mitchell for the CD5 seat in 2008?

Turns out that at least one of the candidates mentioned, Laura Knaperek, won't be able to run.

She's moving to California. Apparently, within a few days you should be able to drive by her house in Tempe and see a "for sale" sign on it.

She said more than once during the campaign that the Democratic candidates, Ed Ableser and David Schapira, would move out of the district once they lost.

I suppose that I could be snarky here, but it actually makes sense - her husband has commuted to CA for work for years, she's lost two elections in D17 now, and she doesn't have a snowball's chance in Phoenix (in July!) of winning a CD5 primary against a Scottsdale Republican.

While I am still very happy that she's no longer one of the D17 State Reps, I wish her and her family good fortune in California.

...Of course, now the speculation about who the LD17 Reps are going to run in 2008 will start in earnest. :)

Have a great weekend!


Travis said...

Your rumor and speculation is as reliable as your other comments. Knaperek is not moving.

It would have been interesting to see if the Nazi boys could have won if they had not run a dirty campaign and not had help from every left wing nut job across the country. If the real residents of this district had decided this race, it would have been interesting to see who would have won. Knaperek ran a clean campaign against two irresponsible idiots and campaign violators - see margarita machines and carpetbagging references. Hey Ed, how's the pastoring a non-existent church group going? And David, have you moved into the district yet or are you going to pull a Pete Rios family deception? Your party is so full of corruption, it's ridiculous.

Craig said...

Travis - If, in fact, the rumor is incorrect, I'll post a correction.

However, I did a little research and found that there's a listing for a house for sale that has the address next to hers.

Perhaps that was the basis for my source's info; perhaps the listing is for her house and has the incorrect address.

I'll leave the post as is for now.

As far as your rant about Representatives Ableser and Schapira?

"Nazi boys"??

"Irresponsible idiots"??

I know them both - they're not Nazis, irresponsible, OR idiots.

You must have them confused with some other representatives in another district, like LD18 or something.