Sunday, December 24, 2006

Breaking news that isn't breaking news

Actually, it may be the worst-kept secret in America right now.

John Edwards, former Senator and 2004 Democratic nominee for VP is running for the 2008 Democratic nomination for President.

Just received an email from

It starts with a couple of paragraphs about his efforts over the last couple of years fighting poverty and helping working families (among other things.)

It then goes on to say:
Now, we have a big decision to make -- and I do mean we.

I'm getting ready to take this effort to the next level - to bringAmericans together in all fifty states to tackle the big challenges facing our country, from poverty and lack of health care, to energy and global warming.
He then asks for people to help him make the decision by emailing their support to the addy above.

He closes the message by promising to let everyone know his decision "early next week" and wishes us all Happy Holidays.

I visited the website,, and was redirected to a website with his calendar of appearances for the next week.

These include Des Moines, IA on the 28th, Portsmouth, NH and Reno NV on the 29th, and West Columbia, SC and Chapel Hill, NC on the 30th.

Hmmm....that's a LOT of frequent flier miles in a short time for someone who hasn't already made the decision to run.

According to this article from, he's already decided to make the announcement from New Orleans.

I certainly haven't made up my mind yet on how I'm going to vote come primary time, but Sen. Edwards is definitely worth considering.

Edwards/Dean 2008??


Anonymous said...

The Chairman of the DNC cannot run, so don't look for Dean this go around.

Edwards is interesting however.

Craig said...

It was just idle speculation; of course, state chairs can't run either.

Just ask Congressman-elect Harry Mitchell. :)