Sunday, November 19, 2006

Quick weekend news hits...

In JD Hayworth news, Geo at Geo's Precinct 134 picked up on something reported in the AZ Republic:

Apparently, JD lobbyed his colleagues in the House against John Shadegg's bid to become House Minority Whip, and did it as retribution for perceived slights against his image that were published prior to the election.

I don't know if it's true (hey, it's a 2nd- or 3rd-hand report of a rumor), but I find it believable.

Since the election, JD seems to be going through the pattern of basic stages of grief, DABDA.

Denial (check out his concession press release here.)
Anger (see: the AZ Rep article linked above, illustrating JD's penchant for blaming anyone other than himself for the election results)

Next up: Bargaining (should be entertaining to watch), followed by Depression (could be very scary), finally ending up with Acceptance.

If JD plans on ever running for office again, and I would be shocked if he didn't at least try to retake CD5 in 2008, he'd better reach "Acceptance" quickly and pull his head out of his a__ - the Republican Party forgives many things from its extremists, but tantrums/hatchet jobs on party loyalists aren't on the list.

...In more "uplifting" news, strippers, porn producers, and visually-oriented people everywhere are rejoicing today.

The FDA has lifted its ban on silicone breast implants.

Coming soon to newspapers, TV, billboards, and spam:

"Silicone - the real thing in fake boobs. Get yours now! Order by December 8th for Guaranteed Delivery By Christmas!"


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