Thursday, October 05, 2006

Republican game plan: Blame Clinton for everything

I wasn't going to write about this any more.

This is something where we need to let the system run its course, and if the investigations into the activities of Rep. Foley and the coverup perpetrated by the Republican leadership aren't thorough and open, then call them out on it.

Then the Chicago Tribune ran an interview with Dennis Hastert, describing his steadfast determination to stay on as Speaker.

From the article:
He went on to suggest that operatives aligned with former President Bill Clinton knew about the allegations and were perhaps behind the disclosures in the closing weeks before the Nov. 7 midterm elections, but he offered no hard proof.

These guys are clueless.

Breaking: Hastert's live news conference is on right now. He was asked about this very issue. Given the opportunity to "clarify" his position, he stood by it, even though he still has no evidence to support it.


On a slightly related note, the Business Journal of Phoenix ran a piece yesterday in which "Scottsdale Congressman J.D. Hayworth said Wednesday he has not heard from constituents on the Foley matter..."

I don't believe that was ever true, but have no proof of that. However, it's definitely not true now.

I called his district office in Scottsdale to recommend that the Congressman call on the entire House leadership to step down temporarily during a thorough and open investigation into the coverup.

The designated phone answerer assured me in a rather desultory manner that he would pass that on to the Congressman.

Yeah, right.

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