Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weekend roundup and a comment on the Great Debate

A roundup of stuff (well, a roundup of stuff not already covered by Stacy at AZCW :) )...

From the Business Journal of Phoenix - Darth Vader...err...Karl Rove will be in Scottsdale on September 29 to raise money for the AZGOP. Tickets to the event range between $150 and $500.

From the Douglas Daily Dispatch - The Bush Administration has responded to Governor Napolitano's request for federal disaster assistance for "Pima and Pinal counties, the Gila River Indian Community within Pinal County, and the Tohono O'Odham Nation within Pima and Pinal Counties" relating to severe storm damage that happened in late July and early August.

Kinda surprised that the Bush Admin didn't wait until just before the general election to make the announcement. With Jon Kyl and the Rep nominee for governor at the photo op. Not that I'm cynical or anything. :)

From the City of Scottsdale (for you CD5/LD17 types :) ) - "Gov. Janet Napolitano and members of her staff will discuss local and statewide issues at a Scottsdale Policy Forum, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 18, at the new Granite Reef Senior Center, northwest corner of Granite Reef and McDowell roads."

The governor's staff members will be there at 4:30, with Governor Napolitano scheduled to appear at approximately 5:40 to make remarks and answer questions.

From the AZ Republic - the three candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction debated each other at the Arizona School Boards Association's annual School Law Conference in Litchfield Park.

Incumbent Tom Horne defended charter schools - "When he was a school board member, he said, some parents who were perturbed with traditional public schools found that charter schools provided alternative offerings and philosophies."

Both challengers, Slade Mead and Jason Williams, called for the tightening of standards for charter schools.

"[Jason] Williams said charter schools should be held to the same standards as other public schools and accused some charter schools of moving to the "realm of religion." "

"[Slade] Mead said charter schools should be forced to employ certified teachers and surrender some of their assets to the state, instead of owners, if the schools fold."

...As for the debate between the contenders for the CD5 Congressional seat between challenger Harry Mitchell and incumbent JD Hayworth, well, it's been covered very well already by Tim W. at The Word From Arizona's Fifth District, Geo at Geo's Precinct 134, and by Tim O at AZNetroots, among others.

The Mitchell campaign's take on the debate is here.

The Hayworth campaign's is here.

Both campaigns claim victory, and they're both right, at least partially. Hayworth won on style points, Mitchell easily won the 'substance' part of the program.

All that I have to add at this point is to note that with the candidates' different styles, that JD came off looking like a seasoned TV performer (which he is) and Harry certainly did not.

The differences can be summed thusly -

JD looked like someone used to looking directly into the camera;

Harry looked like someone used to looking directly into someone's eyes.

Guess which one I think is a better qualification for office?

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

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