Monday, September 18, 2006

Real Breaking News - SurveyUSA shows Hayworth up 12

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire has a report that the latest SurveyUSA poll shows JD leading 52% - 40%.

From the

Key findings: "Hayworth gets 83% of Republican votes. Mitchell gets 84% of Democrat votes. Mitchell carries Independents 5:3, but this is not enough to overcome Hayworth's advantage in this heavily Republican district."

Link to SurveyUSA's chart here.

Given that the Reps have a 17-point registration advantage in CD5 (~44% to ~27%) this is encouraging news for Mitchell.

That part about "Hayworth gets 83% of Republican votes" does mean that it's time to start poaching moderate Republican voters.

It helps that JD embarasses moderate Reps as much as the rest of us.

Gotta go for now...

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