Thursday, September 14, 2006

JD's back to work...

...back to working at churning out meaningless, overblown, contemptuous, baseless, partisan rhetoric.

This week alone, he has:

...Spouted off about "Islamofascists" while commemorating the fifth anniversary of the September 11th attacks.
"Today we honor the memories of our fellow citizens who unwittingly became the first casualties in the War on Terror."

Guess the people who died during the first WTC bombing and the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City (and in other incidents) aren't really dead.

...Took the comments of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) out of context for the purpose of attacking her. And he got to throw in a jab at Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) in the same press release.

Referring to Osama bin Laden, she said "...And even to capture him now I don't think makes us any safer."

JD calls her statement a contradiction with her criticism of the Bush administration, leveled on the third anniversary of the September 11th attacks, for its failure to capture bin Laden.

Bottom line: There's no contradiction. While capturing Osama bin Laden is and should be a priority (hey - it's the justification for the war in Afghanistan), the ham-handed arrogance of Bush and the Republicans in the area of international relations has created a new generation of bin Ladens. Whether or not he's in custody, the Bush Admin has destabilized the world, and it will take decades to fix it.

Note: Howard Fineman has a piece on on how a big part of the Republicans' plans to keep control of Congress hinge on Karl Rove-directed attacks on Nancy Pelosi. Looks like JD is on the hit team.

Note2: The Business Journal of Phoenix has an article about JD's attempts to link Harry Mitchell to Rep. Pelosi.

...Touted his support of H.R. 6061, a bill that mandates that a 700-mile long fence be built along our border with Mexico.

This is priceless, really.

No, I mean it. Literally.

This wonderful idea has no money authorized to pay for it.

This wonderful idea is an unfunded mandate passed solely so the supporters can campaign on their support for an idea that won't become reality.

Gotta love election year pandering and posturing.

Note3: of the AZ delegation, Flake, Franks, Hayworth, Shadegg and Renzi voted for it; Grijalva, Kolbe, and Pastor voted against.

...And his piece de resistance? Today's press release that calls current Democrats, as well as the Carter and Clinton administrations, "appeasers".
After all that's happened the Democrats still don't get it. The pattern of unspoken appeasement clearly does not, and never will, work. It didn't work in the 70's, didn't work in the 90's and especially won't work now."
Like how he just totally skips over the Reagan and Bush I 80s? The arms sales to Iraq and Iran during the Reagan Administration? Iran-Contra?

Convenient memory lapse, that.

Something tells me that when history looks back upon this period, the only person judged to be an "appeaser" will be Tony Blair.

At least JD wasn't lying about Harry Mitchell this week (though we still have one day to go).

That will be sure to change in the coming days and weeks.

Other stuff:

On October 3rd, the East Valley Tribune General Election District 17 Candidate Forum will be held from 8 - 9 p.m.

It will be held in the chambers of the Tempe City Council and the public is invited.

Come out to support Meg Burton-Cahill, Ed Ableser and David Schapira as the campaigns for the legislature heat up.

My source for this info: the webpage of the LD17 Republicans. Who have noticed the same primary election turnout deficit that I noted earlier this week. They can do the math as well as I can, and are worried.

...From the Mitchell campaign -

"Harry will join several candidates including J.D. Hayworth this Sunday, Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. at the Temple Emanuel for a candidate forum. Temple Emanuel is located at 5801 S. Rural Road in Tempe."

I won't be able to make it there due to work, but urge everyone who can to show up and show their support for Harry.

There will be other events and opportunities to volunteer. Call the campaign at 480-755-3343 for more info.

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