Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday roundup, aka "It's time for some snide comments"

...In his column, Robert Novak reports that JD is one of seven Republican House members getting extra help in their reelection bids.
Republicans in Washington were urged to take time off work from 4 to 6 p.m. last Wednesday and go to the Lucky Strike Bowling Alley in an unusual fund-raiser for seven GOP House members in need of late campaign money.

The National Republican Congressional Committee called the event BOMP (Bowling for Our Majority Program). The beneficiaries were Reps. Steve Chabot of Ohio, Thelma Drake of Virginia, Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska, J.D. Hayworth of Arizona, Marilyn Musgrave of Colorado, John Sweeney of New York and Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania.

The solicitation for BOMP asserted that the seven incumbents “all have a real need for additional resources in the last couple of months before the election,” either because of a “well-funded” Democratic opponent or especially high local television costs.

Hmmm...according to his FEC quarterly filing of 31 August 2006, JD had $1,474,403.38 cash on hand, compared to the Mitchell campaign's $672,126.72.

I guess that a better than 2-to-1 advantage in cash scares JD after the 20:1 advantage in spending that he had over Elizabeth Rogers 2 years ago resulted in a slightly more than 1.5-1 advantage in votes.

...As reported elsewhere in the AZ blogosphere, and in an email press release from the Mitchell campaign, Harry Mitchell for Congress has launched the webpage, chronicling the stream of distortions, half-truths and outright lies from Hayworth.

The site promises updates whenever JD lies.

Apparently the Mitchell campaign has volunteers detailed to maintain that page on an around-the-clock basis. :))

...In a burst of sublime creativity, JD has taken his press release of 14 September that labeled Democrats of the last 30 years or so "appeasers" and edited it into an entry in The Hill's Congress Blog on 15 September.

OK, maybe it was just sublime laziness.

On second thought, maybe his arm was too tired from bowling (see above) to write something original.

Weelllllll...on third thought, it was probably just laziness. Never mind.

...Governor Napolitano is already preparing for the return of the legislature in January.

From Fox11AZ in Tucson: "Governor Janet Napolitano read the book, The Seed and the Giant Saguaro to first graders..."

Have a great weekend everyone!

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