Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why we all have to support Ned Lamont

As a rule, my posts are Arizona-based, or at least Arizona-related, but it's time to make an exception to that rule.

Until today, I didn't really have a fully-formed opinion about the Democratic primary in Connecticut, though because of the whole-hearted support that Joe Lieberman has been receiving from the Republicans in Washington and elsewhere, I was leaning toward Lamont just on general principles.

Then, courtesy of David Sirota on HuffingtonPost.com, I read this article from the JournalInquirer.com from Connecticut. It not only documents the Lieberman campaign's expected attacks on Ned Lamont ("socialist", "atheist") but also documents their attacks on current Congressman and Senate candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Attacking Lamont? Distasteful, but expected during a campaign as hotly-contested as this one is going to be. Lieberman's political career is on the line, and the gloves have been dropped. (That's a hockey reference for you native Arizonans :)) )

Attacking Sanders? Just dumb. Throughout his career in the House and as Mayor of Burlington, Bernie Sanders has done more for his constituents, making their lives just a little more livable, than 10 Joe Liebermans.

Lieberman's attacks will just invite comparisons of his record to Sanders'.

Bad move, Joe.

Sen. Lieberman should fire whichever of his advisors advocated attacking Rep. Sanders.

Actually, he should fire himself for following the advice by dropping out of the race, but that isn't going to happen.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised that if in the next few days or weeks, Joe makes it official and switches parties, with the Reps nominating him as their official ballot candidate. There's an awful lot of coyness from the Reps in this subject area right now.

For the record: The Sanders/Tarrant race for the Senate in Vermont was the tipping point for me. When Republican Rich Tarrant said he was going to buy the seat (note: say what you want about Jim Pederson's contributions to his own campaign - Tarrant makes Pederson look like a counter worker at Taco Bell), I took a small step from "opinionated but uninvolved" to "ticked-off and active."

I sent a small donation to the Sanders for Senate campaign, started paying much closer attention to Arizona politics and politicians, and began to get involved with the local Democrats in LD17.

I realize that almost everyone who reads this blog is in Arizona, but if, like me, you have friends or family in Connecticut, talk to them. Soon.

Ned Lamont is in for a low-down, no-holds-barred, just plain nasty campaign from Lieberman and the Republicans, and he needs all the support he can get.


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