Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quick D17 Update

According to an email from Dennis Grzelak, Video Production Manager of CityCable11, the municipal cable channel in Scottsdale, the video broadcast of the EV Tribune-sponsored D17 debates will be aired this month.

The announced schedule is:

Democrats on Saturdays at 2, 6, and 9;
Republicans on Sundays at 2, 6, and 9.

As noted in the email, "these meetings could be pre-empted by playbacks of Scottsdale Public meetings."

In the 'giving credit where it's due department' - I've criticized the City of Scottsdale government is this blog before (and expect to do so in the future :) ) but I have to compliment the speedy attention to this by Mr. Grzelak. I emailed him late last month and he took care of this, even with a vacation in the middle, in less than two weeks.

So if you live in Scottsdale, or know someone who does, and are interested in hearing what the D17 candidates have to say, tune in.

In other, non-political, news, I went to the movie 'Talladega Nights". It was a very dumb, very funny movie. But the part that's worthy of a blog mention was during the trailers.

A movie called "Man of the Year" is scheduled for release this fall. It stars Robin Williams as a comedian who runs for President as a joke. And wins. The trailer is hilarious. Robin Williams can still deliver a punch line. The movie also stars Laura Linney, Lewis Black and Christopher Walken.

Hope the movie lives up to the trailer, because it's one movie that I'm going to see.


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