Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mitchell campaign lowlights Hayworth's ethics; Hayworth campaign nips back

On Monday, the Mitchell for Congress campaign issued a press release pointing out the inconsistencies between Congressman Hayworth's answers on his AZ Republic candidate questionnaire and his actual record.

Today, the Hayworth campaign responded with a release of its own.

It raises some interesting points, but I noticed one significant characteristic common to the 'ethical lapses' they attribute to Harry Mitchell.

All were minor, and other than the sign-stealing allegations from 2000, ALL were 12 years old, or older.

The Hayworth campaign split most of its criticism between the signs and a donation to Mitchell from Charlie Keating in the late 1980s.

Is JD saying that Harry Mitchell accepting $2500 from Keating in a mayoral race over 16 years ago is morally equivalent to the tens, even hundreds, of thousands of dollars that he, JD Hayworth, has taken from Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham and their clients and allies since he was elected to office in 1994?

In fact, the only allegation from that period (note: also from before I moved to AZ, so most of this is new info to me) that causes me to pause and question Harry's wisdom was his "swapping prime Phoenix Cardinals' tickets for the use of city parking spaces, which Mitchell himself admitted was a mistake."

Harry, what were you thinking? I wouldn't swap the bag of trash I brought out to the dumpster today for 'prime Cardinals' tickets', much less swap something of value for them. LOL

However, I have met Harry on several occasions, and I am confident that he has learned his lesson. Exhibit A: The Cards now play in Glendale.

[Whooooo hooooo! No more Sunday road closures in Tempe!]

The Hayworth campaign opened its press release with the line "[b]eing lectured on ethics by Harry Mitchell is like being lectured on modesty by Paris Hilton."

I would change that to "being lectured on ethics by JD Hayworth is like being lectured on religious tolerance by Mel Gibson." Actually, that's unfair to Mel - at least he has apologized for his drunken ravings; JD has never apologized for his (presumably) sober ethical misdeeds.

Personal observation (not that this post doesn't already have plenty, lol): Harry Mitchell has been in politics one way or another for close to 4 decades. All the Hayworth campaign has established beyond a doubt is that their candidate has done way more shady things (both in raw quantity and in 'shadiness') in 12 years than Mitchell has in 40. Of course JD and his gang will probably try to spin this as a sign of his 'industriousness' or something else equally insipid.

To the Hayworth campaign: Give it a rest guys. If the race comes down to which candidate is more ethical, your candidate (and you!) will be unemployed come January 1st.

Edit to add: JD will be guest hosting the Laura Ingraham Radio Show on 960 KKNT on Thursday. He was supposed to do so today, also, but I wasn't going to wake up that early (6 a.m.) to listen to him. I would welcome a recap from someone who did. Thanks!

1 comment:

TimWilsonAZ said...

According to Hayworth's website it said he'd be on 6-9 AM MST. That means he would start at 5 AM because we don't have daylight savings. We're on Pacific Time. Damn, that's an unholy hour. I'll try to catch as much as I can on the way to work tomorrow morning.

I don't think I would get up at 5 AM for many reasons and J.D. Hayworth isn't one of them.