Monday, June 12, 2006

More national attention for the CD5 race

The Washington Post had an article today about the CD5 race (with a mention of CD8 and Pederson vs. Kyl for US Senate). While it was a rehash of what most people here already know, it's nice to us getting some attention for something other than the hottest daily temp in the country.

The article did a pretty even-handed job of outlining the differences between JD Hayworth and Harry Mitchell. While they think JD has an advantage (and as an incumbent, he does), they think the district is very much in play.

The race for Arizona's Republican-dominated 5th District is considered competitive for the first time in a decade. Analysts point to troubles in the White House and Congress, as well as Hayworth's outsize profile on immigration. It all makes for an intriguing contest in an unpredictable state where pollsters see a shift to the center.


"Right now, it looks as though the playing field is leveling off," said analyst Earl de Burgh, research director for the independent Rocky Mountain Poll.

I do have one comment, on the whole "shift to the center" thing: Someone needs to clue in AZ House Speaker Jim "I don' need no stinkin' Democrats" Weiers. Ken Bennett, and the rest of the Repubs in the state lege. They keep trying to move AZ back to the Dark Ages.

On edit: the article did get one thing wrong - the article said

"But because Tempe forms only about one-third of the House district, he must win converts among Republicans and independents in Scottsdale, Mesa and parts of Phoenix and its environs."

Mesa isn't part of CD5.

Gotta go collect sigs...more later!

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