Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There oughta be a law....(entertainment version)

There oughta be a law....

Mandating that for any movie that is a remake, sequel, based on a TV show or TV cartoon, or based on a comic book, the price for admission to a screening cannot be more than $4. Movies based on novels are exempted for now - "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy alone earns the exemption.

...G'bye MI:3, Rocky 6 (or is it 7?) and Halloween whatever; hello Writers' Guild membership drive.

Mandating that once a TV show airs, network execs cannot screw with the schedule or creative process of the show.

...Maybe the next "Commander-in-Chief" or "Firefly" will have a fighting chance.

Mandating that before getting nominated for a Grammy, any musical artist must write/perform a political song. Doesn't have to be a protest song. Doesn't have to be a 'my country, love it or leave it" song. Just a song with an opinion, musically expressed. Right now it seems like the only artists that are saying much are either hip-hop and rap artists taking a break from the 'booty and bling' routine, or overwrought singer-songwriters whose angst is surpassed only by their obscurity.

...Maybe some young'un will compete with Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young for this year's Record of the Year. ...OK, probably not.

Mandating that 'celebrity' authors who write anything other than one (and ONLY one) autobiography be required to sign, ring up and bag each of their books sold. If you are going to take rack space from real writers, (LIKE MOLLY IVINS!!) you have to earn it.

...Teri Hatcher?!? Best-selling author??? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Good looking? Certainly. Good actress? Sure. Good writer???? Who's kidding who here?

Anyway, enough ranting for tonight....Later!

Note: this post was started on 9 May, but not posted until 10 May. I didn't expect the date stamp to show the start time, only the posted time.

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